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Looking forward to all good things in the New Year!✨

Kate Spade

"Dress by your own rules. Style is not about the rules."

This quote by Kate Spade is perfect for people that like to wear second-hand items. 

When a person has style they stand out because they are unique.

Buying second hand is not for the faint of heart. You have to have a certain confidence in yourself to pick out items, put them together and then have the confidence of saying to your world, Yes, this is what I want to say about myself today.

We had a young woman that worked for us, Camila, and she had a fresh eye to fashion. Camila had the ability to pick up a skirt that some might have considered dowdy, put it together with a tight, brightly colored tee, her Dr. Marten lace up boots and instantly the look was uniquely her own. 

It can be daunting to "fly your own flag" especially as I've heard people say over the years, "my friends might laugh or my husband will think I'm crazy or my daughter will roll her eyes" but what the heck, go for it and make yourself happy.

Express yourself with a new pair of sunglasses, try a color combination that is a bit avant-garde, wear a pair of dangling earrings or maybe five strands of pearls. 

Be bold and have some fun.

Christina Novak

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